EMCC Stator Coils

Form Wound Stator Coils/Windings

The Electric Motor Coil Company is dedicated to becoming a form coil supplier of choice. With the use of leading-edge automation and technological advancements, EMCC is striving to serve its customers to the highest level. Time is valuable and customers depend on quick solutions. You need a supplier you can depend on too, which is why we have same-day quoting, usually within a few hours.

Stator coil Manufacturer EMCC
  • Magnetischer Draht erfüllt alle ANSI / NEMA MW-Standard.
  • VPI Dip oder Bake
  • Statorspulen bis zu 6900 VAC
  • Rotorstangen und gewickelte Rotoren
  • Lackbehandelte Isolationssysteme der Klasse F
  • Isolationssysteme der Klasse H
  • Stator-Traktionsspulen sind erhältlich

Why Choose EMCC

Comprehensive Stator Coil Solutions


Modernste Spulenfertigung

EMCC verfügt über die modernsten Fertigungsanlagen und Prüfgeräte. Wir arbeiten ständig an Innovationen, um die Produktivität zu optimieren, technologische Fortschritte zu übernehmen, Verschwendung zu vermeiden und niedrigere Kosten zu erzielen, um den sich ändernden Kundenanforderungen gerecht zu werden.

The Electric Motor Coil Company has multiple automated coil manufacturing machines, such as Cut and Strip Lines, CNC 6-Axis Tapers, Flat Coil Tapers, Turn Tapers, CNC Component Shearing, Stamping, Coil Forming, and Automated Q/C Inspections.

Quality Assurance

Wir sind ein erstklassiges Unternehmen für die Herstellung von Spulen.

EMCC hat sich der operational excellence, we are relentless in the never ending pursuit of finding ways to improve quality, performance, and cost.

Um höchste Qualität zu gewährleisten, wird jedes Coil von der Vorproduktion bis zum endgültigen Versand einem strengen Qualitätskontrollprozess unterzogen.

Equipped with the latest instrumentation, tools, and sophisticated test equipment, our Q.C./Q.A. department is capable of accurately sampling, inspecting, and testing components to verify they conform to OEM defined specifications.



  • Lackbehandelte Isolationssysteme der Klasse F
  • Vakuum-Druckimprägnierung
  • Isolationssysteme der Klasse H
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Crease-Free Taping

Automated crease free taping for consistent insulation overlap integrity and perfectly fitting coils.



EMCC has multiple automated coil machines such as cut and strip lines, CNC 6-axis tapers, flat coil tapers, turn tapers, CNC component shearing, stamping, coil forming, and inspections.


Perfekt passende Spulen

Each Coil set that we manufacture is first developed using Computer-Aided Design, to ensure your coils fit perfectly, every time, whether you need one set or 100 sets. 



EMCC has CNC mills, CNC lathes, plasma cutters, welders, and skilled machinists that allow us to build coil tooling that many other suppliers simply cannot replicate.


Erweiterte Spulenprüfung – Proven Reliability

EMCC exposes all products to rigorous and extensive testing above and beyond industry standards, resulting in the highest quality product delivered and complete customer satisfaction. Every Coil is 100% tested.

manufactured stator coil winding in box


Bei EMCC bieten wir unseren Kunden maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für das Lebenszyklusmanagement. Durch die Zusammenarbeit helfen wir Ihnen bei der Planung und Umsetzung von Maßnahmen, um ungeplante Ausfallzeiten zu begrenzen.

Fertigung rund um die Uhr

When that call comes in – we are here to help at a moment’s notice. Costs associated with unplanned downtime can be immense. For this reason, The Electric Motor Coil Company offers 24/7 Emergency Service to our valued clients. We are fully committed to getting you the quality motor and generator coils/windings you need -with the fastest emergency turn around times in the industry.